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Mikrotik 60GHz: A Guide to Point-to-Point Solutions

How to choose which Mikrotik 60GHz point to point solution.

Mikrotik have a variety of products in the 60GHz band for establishing a point to point bridge link. The link distance, environmental conditions and robustness of the link are the major factors for choosing the correct solution.

In the below video presentation, we hope to provide information on how to choose a point to point wireless bridge. We examine important parameters of Mikrotik 60GHz. This should make it easier for you to choose the best solution for your project.

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Flashstart Partnership

flashstart on mikrotik

We are delighted to announce our partnership with Flashstart, a cybersecurity solution developer.

We are excited by this partnership as it offers our Mikrotik customers a huge step up in securing their network environment from many intrusions. Depending on where your network is installed it can provide you with prevention of malware, stop advertisers from unilaterally hijacking your browser & search data. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. Imagine a school network administrator can prevent students from visiting violent sites, prohibit searching for drugs, porn & violence. Disable social media connectivity while in class& much more.

To get a free Trial in a Box email

Flashstart installed on Mikrotik gives you much tighter control over your network usage. It also protects you from hackers from certain countries, known undesirable IP addresses & much more. Flashstart has solutions for ISP, WISP, Businesses, Schools & homes.

Below is a short list of features

  • AI based IP protection
  • Local DNS Cache
  • RPZ customized Blacklist
  • APP Blocker & IP Block.
  • Geoblocking.
  • supervisor/ Parental Control.
  • much more…

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MaGIC SFP speed Test

Solimedia Technology is offering MaGIC SFP to system integrator to deliver high speed links with available coaxial cable previously installed in buildings. Most buildings have coaxial cables already installed so MaGIC SPF can be an instant solution. Also for scenarios where the cable length goes well beyond 100m limitation on Ethernet cable. The device integrates with Mikrotik as a plug & play. So just insert it in to SFP cage on any of the Mikrotik routers or switches & you are in business. Don’t forget MaGIC SFP co-exists with DOCSIS (Cable TV) free to air TV etc.

We have speed tested the solution in our lab with almost 1G speed duplex (transmit & receive), However Sarah Kerr of ISP Technology has a very interesting video on cable length & speed test of the MaGIC SFP which I would like to share with you.

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Managed VPN services

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We are delighted to offer managed Mikrotik VPN services for a subscription to our customers.

Why does anyone need Managed VPN services?

A number of small to medium size enterprises may have satellite offices, outlets, shops or individuals working away from the office. In order for their distributed resources to work together in a single data network; virtualisation of LAN (Local area network) through implementation of VPN (virtual private network) in their office has become standard procedure.

This is perfect for larger companies with an IT department running the infrastructure (including the VPN server) in the background. As we are all aware VPN servers requires management & maintenance.

  • VPN server setup.
  • VPN server updates.
  • Updates in technology & protocol upgrades.
  • Maintenance of users.
  • Creating new users & update of current user status.
  • Maintaining the security of VPN server.
  • Update of security protocols & forewalling of VPN server.
  • and more…..

Added to the above list they require tangible investment in VPN high availability server hardware, high quality Internet connectivity & UPS (Uninterruptible power supply).

These costs consuming tasks also requires knowledgeable personnel. The total proposition is expensive & hard to assemble. This is specially prohibitive for smaller organizations with limited resources in capital, manpower & most importantly a business which outsource most of their IT work to third party.

Our managed VPN services

  • No server required at any of your locations.
  • No IT expert required at any of your locations.
  • No Updates or upgrades.
  • No management of users required.
  • Edge of technology Fastest & most secured VPN technology available.
  • Subscription based; add or delete users/locations any time.
  • Service hosted at 99.99% availability cloud.

Please see below video presentation & contact us for further information.

Managed VPN Services